No ticket, no passport, just an address!  

  Users: 16222
  Connections: 0
  Total: 411
  Milkyway: 154
  Pegasus: 89
  Forerunner: 78
  Tollan: 90
  Total: 3
  AFVIs: 6

Stargate Standards of Placement

Key Definitions

  • ASN Hub: The main server/service that lists and connects all Stargates. Blocking it can disable your gate.
  • GDO (Gate Dialing Object): A HUD or handheld device allowing users to dial and interact with Stargates.
  • RP (Role Play) Gate: A Stargate used primarily for thematic or storyline scenarios (for example, "space gates" or fantasy realms).
  • Random Dialing: A feature enabling the gate to establish random connections across the network.

General Enforcement Rules

These rules apply to all Stargates, whether they allow random dialing or manual dialing.

ASN Hub Access

Blocking the ASN Hub or preventing your gate from connecting to it will result in gate deactivation until fixed.

Avatar Attachments

Stargates should not be worn or attached to avatars; they must be placed in-world.

Public Access Stargates

These are for Stargates that meet the following criteria:

  • Are not set to offline.
  • Do not have a shield raised.
  • Configured to exist in the Random dialing pool (enabled by default, you can disable it in Settings -> Random).

Quick Refrence Checklist

  • Use: It is possible to use the Stargate to leave.
  • Security: No automatic eject/ban systems within gate range.
  • Scripting: Public scripts are enabled close to the the gate.
  • Visibility: Gate is easily spotted from the Telehub or arrival point.
  • Land Access: Parcel is open to the public (not group-only or private).
  • Aerial Placement: If gate is above ground, a safe landing mechanism is present.

Land access

Rule: Stargates must be placed on land that is publicly accessible (i.e., not group-only or private).

Exception: Stargates can be placed on private no access regions that have the experience key "Matter stream" configured as a "Key Experience" in the Region/Estate panel.

Reason: Ensures anyone can visit and use the gate, regardless of group affiliation or land permissions.

Implementation Tips:

  • Check your parcel's "About Land" -> "Access" settings to confirm public entry is allowed.
  • Check "Region/Estate" -> "Experiences" options to confirm that "Matter stream" is configured if "Allow only residents and groups listed in access tab" is selected in te "Estate tab".

Aerial placement

Rule: Do not place Stargates in mid-air unless there is a clear, safe mechanism for travelers to land or disembark.

Exception: [RP] "Space Gates" with "power pods" or other thematic support.

Implementation Tips:

  • Provide a platform or teleporter if your gate is above ground level.
  • Consider adding "Space Gate" or "[RP]" in the gate name or alias for easy identification.
  • For space gates, you can place a 10x10x1 meter invisible platform right under where the event horizon should be to catch visitors.

Visbility & Teleportation

Rule: The Stargate should be visible from the region's Telehub or primary landing point.

Reason: Prevents confusion and makes it easy for new arrivals to locate the gate.

Implementation Tips:

  • Don't use teleport routing on the parcel that the Stargate sits.
  • If you use teleport rourting on the parcel that the Stargate sits on, make sure the user has direct line of sight to it.

Security Systems

Rule: Avoid placing Stargates within areas that have automatic security or ban systems that teleport or eject users on entry.

Reason: Users risk being expelled immediately upon arrival, rendering the gate unusable.

Implementation Tips:

  • Deactivate security orbs in the gate's vicinity.
  • Move Stargate or 'secured' zone away from affecting each other.

Public Script Usage

Rule: Stargates must be placed on land where public scripts are enabled.

Reason: Prevents interference with GDOs (Gate Dialing Objects) and other scripted interactions.

Implementation Tips:

  • In "About Land" -> "Options," confirm "Scripts allowed" is checked for public users.
  • If you can't enable public scripts for the entire region, consider isolating the gate on a dedicated parcel where scripts are permitted.

Gate Dialing Puzzles

Rule: Dialing puzzles or unique interactive mechanisms are allowed but must not be overly hidden or complicated.

Reason: Encourages Stargate play but keeps the gate accessible to casual visitors.

Implementation Tips:

  • Provide in-world hints why a Stargate may not behave as intended.

Exceptions for Roleplay

If you are using a gate in a roleplay setting, clearly mark it with "[RP]" in the gate's name or alias. You may use special rules. Just be sure to communicate these differences to visitors through the gate name.

Montioring & Reporting

  • You can report a gate directly by clicking on it.
  • You can find the gate using the ASN Database and report it through that interface.
  • You can view tickets against your gates or tickets you've opened against other gates via the SSoP support portal




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