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  Users: 16222
  Connections: 0
  Total: 411
  Milkyway: 154
  Pegasus: 89
  Forerunner: 78
  Tollan: 90
  Total: 3
  AFVIs: 6


Avatar Zachary Carter

New Template

Posted by Zachary Carter on 18 September 2008, 11:59:50 am

The Alpha-Fox website now has a new web template that may look similar to the old one but has significant changes underneath. The main improvement is consistent rendering across most browsers, though there are issues with Internet Explorer 6. Users are encouraged to report display errors in the forums. The theme miniblue3, used for ASN Profiles in Second Life, will be updated when time allows.

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Avatar Zachary Carter

Web Profiles for Stargates!

Posted by Zachary Carter on 07 September 2008, 9:41:15 pm

Alpha-Fox now allows users to list their Stargate locations in their Web Profile. This feature integrates seamlessly into the Web tab of the profile, letting others view owned Stargate locations. Users can access their personal web profile by replacing "FIRST LAST" in the provided URL with their actual first and last names.

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Avatar Zachary Carter

New News ... with RSS?

Posted by Zachary Carter on 06 September 2008, 1:19:16 pm

Alpha-Fox now delivers news through Subnova using an RSS feed. The website's news page displays the 20 most recent articles, and efforts are underway to expand visibility across the site. Additionally, Alpha-Fox has created its own personalized RSS feed after some work with PHP.

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Avatar Zachary Carter

Fun at Alpha-Fox

Posted by Zachary Carter on 06 September 2008, 5:38:17 am

An attempt to upgrade bbPress to version 1.0 and fix blank user issues in the Stargates led to unexpected problems. While the bbPress update initially seemed fine, removing WordPress integration to consolidate blog posts on Subnova caused login failures on the Alpha-Fox website. Further issues arose when the forums also became unusable. After hours of troubleshooting, the problem was traced to missing WordPress integration, which had affected login cookies. A simple fix in config.php restored functionality, serving as a reminder not to tackle too many changes at once.

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Avatar Lex Mars

Alteran Stargate Network 1.0 Release Party

Posted by Lex Mars on 26 August 2008, 10:15:44 pm

The Alteran Stargate Network will officially launch version 1.0 with a release party at the Subnova Citadel on August 31, 2008. After an extensive beta phase, this milestone will be celebrated on the West Flight Deck, where a dedicated Stargate will allow attendees to arrive in style. Event details, including music and possible contests, are still being finalized. Stay tuned for updates!

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