Statistics |
Users: 16222
Connections: 1
Total: 410
Milkyway: 153
Pegasus: 89
Forerunner: 78
Tollan: 90
Total: 3
AFVIs: 6
Lex Mars
Great news, everyone!
Posted by Lex Mars
on 26 December 2015, 2:53:01 pm
Thanks to generous donations from ASN users, new servers have been acquired for the network. During the setup process, a problem with the current webserver was discovered and fixed, allowing the network to stay online. The new hardware will be activated over the next few weeks, with the current system being used to ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, a new laptop capable of running Second Life flawlessly has been obtained, allowing the team to log in and focus on further developments for Stargate in Second Life.
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Lex Mars
[KNOWN ISSUE] - Sometimes Stargates stop receiving incoming connections
Posted by Lex Mars
on 18 February 2015, 1:45:15 am
There is an ongoing issue in Second Life where objects stop receiving emails at the sim level, not within the scripts. This prevents gates from establishing connections through the AFVIs, which are crucial for the ASN network. If your gate is affected by this, it will be unable to dial another gate until the sim is restarted. Restarting is easy for private regions but challenging on mainland. A solution involving HTTP-in for gates is planned but won't be implemented until a 1.2 release is developed. In the meantime, rebooting the sim or waiting for a grid restart is the only option.
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Lex Mars
Scheduled Downtime (20100511)
Posted by Lex Mars
on 10 May 2010, 3:05:16 pm
On Tuesday, May 11th, at 2000UTC, Subnova's upstream provider will conduct extended maintenance on the fiber ring, expected to last about 6 hours. During this time, all Subnova services, including email and the Alteran Stargate Network, will be offline. DNS services for Subnova, which are internally hosted, will also be affected. The only available contact will be through wireless communication, with the IRC channel remaining online but with no news updates. Updates will be posted on Subnova's Twitter account if necessary.
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Lex Mars
Subnova Email Services Change
Posted by Lex Mars
on 14 December 2009, 4:35:28 am
Subnova's email services are being outsourced to Google Apps, and as of tonight, no new mail will be received on the Subnova mail server. Existing accounts will not be automatically migrated, but users can still access old emails and send messages. Due to rising spam issues and outdated server software, moving to Google's service is deemed more economical. Those still using Subnova email need to contact Alpha-Fox to set up new accounts. Apologies for the short notice, as the server load was negatively impacting other Subnova services.
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Zachary Carter
Alpha-Fox Teleporters Now Available
Posted by Zachary Carter
on 16 March 2009, 4:27:00 am
The Alpha-Fox teleporters are now available, offering a much-needed upgrade from the crazyLabs Teleporters. They can be purchased from Apez. Users with a crazyLabs Teleporter can contact for a free update. Enjoy the new teleporters!
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