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Zachary Carter
Fun at Alpha-Fox
Posted by Zachary Carter
on 06 September 2008, 5:38:17 am
Today was full of fun. We tried to do some fixes and upgrades ... but they really didn't go well. First I figured I would upgrade bbPress to 1.0. It had a search bar, and supposedly was a lot faster due to it using backPress on the backend. The upgrade seemed to go smoothly, so we left it be. I then went to fix some blank user problems in the Stargates. We weren't sure what was causing it, until we realized... well ... we didn't realize anything. It just started working.
At this time 3of9 from work starts bugging me that I could get rid of the blog on Alpha-Fox and simply post on Subnova. I agree, and I setup the news feed on Alpha-Fox. Since we didn't need the blog, I removed the WordPress integration. Bad Idea.
I was later IMed by 3of9 that he could not log into the website. I checked and alas, he was correct. I then was going to post on the forums about it, but look at that... bbPress 1.0 wouldn't allow me to post! The logical idea would be to roll back, which we did. We were able to post but ... we could still not log in on the main Alpha-Fox website.
We were baffled for a few hours until 3of9 stumbled on a bit of code that handled integration with WordPress. He realized that removing the WordPress integration removed the opened cookie, so the login cookie was limited to only the forums. A quick one line code addition to config.php and we are all up and running again.
This will teach me to try and do too much at once.