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Lex Mars
Update to Dialing by Partial Names
Posted by Lex Mars
on 04 June 2018, 4:46:43 pm
Last night I made a minor change to the dialing string handler and it now does a "full word" search before looking for your string in just anything.
This means that it will now match "/dial gate" to "My Gate" before matching to "Alteran Stargate". This will make it easier for those of us who have acronyms in the gate alias field.
Also, we're in the process of renovating the network hub at Eternal Calm. You will notice you now arrive in a shiny new orbital station. Also, that gate has a special feature that replaces the hub "SUBNOVA" dial button with a random button, as many users unfamiliar with stargates were attempting to dial the one they were standing at.
See you around the 'verse!