Death ManualTable of Contents
Death System
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Section 1 - Introduction
Death is a free system developed by Alpha-Fox. It allows for a method of instantly killing people on group /
individually owned land without having damage.
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Section 2 - API Usage
The API is quite simple to use. llMessageLinked calls are used to activate it. However, you must have a Death server
in the region and activated in order for this to work.
Here is a simple script example that can be used as a button that will kill anybody who touches it. Please note that the
death.api.lsl script must be in the same prim this script is in.
llSay(0, "The Big Red Button");
touch_start(integer detected_num)
llMessageLinked(LINK_SET, 0, llDetectedName(0) + "|" + (string)llDetectedKey(0) + "|" + "touching the Big Red Button.", "kill");