Presence Indicator User Guide
Presence Indicator
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Section 1 - Introduction
The Presence Indicator was developed by Zachary Carter. It sprouted from the need for a simple online indicator that
allowed for online/offline time keeping, as well as the ability to send notifications or leave a message.
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Section 2 - General Usage
2.1 - Name
The indicator allows you to set the person to be monitored by their name. Simply edit the "Description" field of the
indicator and change the name to whoever you want to monitor.
Example: Zachary Carter
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2.2 - Key
If by chance the name2key server is down, the device will notify you verbally. In this case, all hope is not lost. You
can also set the person to be monitored by their UUID. Simply edit the "Description" field of the indicator and change
the name to the UUID of whoever you want to monitor, with "[KEY]" as a prefix.
Example: [KEY]39dbea2b-6be0-47b1-8f64-3a83e1db617e
2.3 - Statistics
Once you've got an active monitor going, you can see all the statistics that are kept about the person you are
- Avatar you are monitoring
- Current online status, as well as if they are in the current region
- Either (1) The hours / minutes that the avatar has been online OR (2) The hours / minutes since the avatar has
been online
- The total hours / minutes the avatar has been online since rezzing the indicator.
- The total hours / minutes the avatar has been offline since rezzing the indicator.
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Section 3 - Troubleshooting
Question: My indicator is hung; that is, it is stuck on "finding name"
Answer: Due to the nature of LSL, the dataserver() event does not call on bad UUIDs passed with the
llRequestAgentData(). You can change the UUID in the description to be correct and then click the indicator to run the
check again.
Question: I've found a bug in your indicator
Answer: Oh no! There's good news though. Since all of our updates are free, we can send out a new (fixed) indicator
free-of-charge. Just make sure to report the bug to our Support Desk.
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Section 4 - Contact
If you have any problems with this product, feel free to send an IM to Zachary Carter. Preferably, we would like you to
use our support portal at:
You can also talk to our community of members on the Alpha-Fox forums:
If you do not have an Alpha-Fox account, or you have forgotten your password, visit a terminal in-world to register your
avatar name:
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Zachary Carter
Copyright 2008 Alpha-Fox
This manual was last updated on 7 September 2008. |